copyrights, domain name registration, IP Scams, legal, patents, trademarksMay 13, 2013Street Smart Guide to Avoiding IP Scams
Agreements, Employee, Entrepreneurship, Independent Contractor, IRS, legal, Startups, UncategorizedFebruary 6, 2013Is that an Independent Contractor or is the IRS just happy to see you?
background check, due diligence, Entrepreneurs, legal, partner researchJanuary 23, 2013A Street-Smart Guide to Investigating Your Business Partners
counterfeiters, intellectual property, legal, patents, trademarksDecember 12, 2012TO CATCH A THIEF…Intellectual Property Rights in Action
Entrepreneurs, Founders AgreementsDecember 3, 2012A Founders Agreement in the Hand is Better than a Lawsuit in the Bush